AUSTIN (KXAN) — A group of Texans wanting to get rid of the penalty heard a different perspective on the act of executing someone during a conference Saturday in Austin.

The Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty brought together people who think it’s unfair — and should go away.

The group invited journalists who have witnessed executions to explain why it’s an important issue to discuss.

“Whether you’re for it or against it, whether that coverage takes place is extremely important. I think that a lot of people who are advocates either for it or against it don’t know the back story as far as what goes into the reporting on the death penalty, how sometimes the stories can be pretty dark, pretty looming, very graphic in a lot of ways,” said Ryan Poppe.

Democratic lawmakers have filed bills in the Texas House and Senate to abolish it. However, Poppe says it will likely see the same fate as past bills to do the same.

It likely will not even come up for a vote.