Bexar County death penalty execution San Antonio Texas

State of Texas Executes Ramon Hernandez

Last night, on November 14, 2012, the State of Texas executed Ramon Hernandez for  the 2001 rape and murder of Rosa Rosado in San Antonio. Another co-defendant in the case, co-defendant, Santos Minjarez, also […]

death penalty DNA testing execution Hank Skinner Texas Attorney General

Texas Attorney General Releases Partial DNA Results in Skinner Case

Today the Texas Attorney General’s Office released the partial results of DNA tests conducted this fall in the case of Henry “Hank” Skinner.  Skinner was convicted and sentenced to death […]

death penalty execution Texas

State of Texas Executes Mario Swain

On November 8, 2012, the State of Texas executed Mario Swain for the 2002 murder of Lola Nixon in her home in Longview (Gregg County).  This was the 13th execution […]

abolition California death penalty

Slim Majority Votes to Keep California’s Death Penalty

TCADP would like to thank everyone who supported the Yes on 34/SAFE Campaign to replace California’s death penalty by calling voters, reaching out to friends, and posting information on social […]

death penalty executions Houston San Antonio Texas Uncategorized

Three Texas Executions Scheduled for November

The State of Texas is scheduled to carry out these executions in November: On November 8, 2012, Mario Swain, is scheduled to be executed for the December 2002 slaying of […]

Dallas death penalty DNA testing Texas

State of Texas Executes Bobby Hines

On October 24, 2012, the State of Texas executed Bobby Hines for the 1991 murder of Michelle Wendy Haupt in Dallas.  According to the Associated Press and reported by Fox News, […]

Bexar County death penalty jury rejection Life in prison without parole San Antonio

Another Bexar County Jury Rejects the Death Penalty

Earlier this week, a “death-qualified” jury in Bexar County (San Antonio) rejected the death penalty for James David Morrison, who was convicted of capital murder in the deaths of Krystle Moten and […]

death penalty Houston Stay of execution Texas U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Grants Stay of Execution to Anthony Haynes

This afternoon, October 18, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to consider a review of the case of Anthony Haynes, who was scheduled to be put to death today for the […]