Join the dedicated TCADP members who sustain our work through automated recurring donations. With recurring gifts, Partners for Justice provide a steady source of income for TCADP and advance initiatives like our clemency campaigns, presentations to faith communities and student groups, and webinars.
You can change or cancel your ongoing gifts at any time. You will receive a receipt for each online transaction, as well as a receipt for all contributions in a calendar year for tax purposes each January. Become a new Partner for Justice today and advance our mission to create a world free of the death penalty!
What current Partners for Justice say about this program:
“I give to TCADP because every dollar helps support the mission to end the death penalty in Texas and helps bring us one step closer. This is a battle that requires constant perseverance and can only be won if we work together. Everyone who supports TCADP financially helps ensure that those who spend time working toward this goal can continue to do so.” – Amanda Hernandez, San Antonio, Texas
“My monthly donation to TCADP as a Partner for Justice helps keep the momentum against the death penalty in Texas going and gives the dedicated staff and volunteers, who work so hard on this issue on our behalf, a vote of confidence. It also fulfills the practical operational need of funds to count on. If everyone gives a little, a lot can be accomplished.” – Mary Heartlein, Santa Fe, New Mexico
“I love the peace of mind that comes with TCADP’s Partner for Justice program. It ensures that no matter how busy I get, I’ll never forget to donate to the one cause that’s so important to me.” – Niki Bergin, Dallas, Texas
“While I have been against the death penalty for as long as I’m aware, I was not an issue I prioritized. However the recent spate of executions especially (completed and pending) have been extremely upsetting and enraging to me. So I happy to do this little bit to support your organization and the good work you do.” – Britt Raphling, Evanston, Illinois
“Being a Partner for Justice verifies my commitment and serves as a reminder that every little bit of effort and support helps.” – Karla Williams, Utah
“Deducting a set amount from my checking account every month is the most efficient way I know of to support a cause I’m passionate about. No time required, no stamps, no checks, no forgetting. Try it… you’ll like it!” – Anne Mund, Cincinnati, Ohio
“I am a member of the Partners for Justice Program because it is so easy to donate to TCADP. Before joining I always had great intentions to financially support TCADP, but kept forgetting to do so. Partners for Justice ensures that I follow through on my intentions—and it is so easy. I urge you to become a Partner for Justice.” – Bob Van Steenburg, Austin, Texas