death penalty Stay of execution Texas U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Grants Stay to Cleve Foster

We just learned that the U.S. Supreme Court has granted a stay of execution to Cleve Foster, who was scheduled to be put to death this evening in Huntsville, Texas […]

death penalty Duane Buck execution Harris County racial bias re-sentencing trial Stay of execution Texas U.S. Supreme Court

Editorial Support for Buck Stay of Execution

Today’s Austin American Statesman features an editorial in support of last week’s last-minute decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to grant a stay of execution to Duane Buck (“Fairness In […]

Duane Buck racial bias Stay of execution Texas U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Stays Execution of Duane Buck

Tonight, at the 11th hour, the U.S. Supreme Court temporarily stayed the execution of Duane Buck, pending a conference on his cert petition, which will take place at a later date.  […]

clemency campaign death penalty Duane Buck execution Governor Rick Perry racial bias Texas Texas Attorney General

Duane Buck Seeks Reprieve from Governor Perry

Last night, attorneys for Duane Buck filed a request for a 30-day reprieve from Governor Rick Perry on behalf of Duane Buck, his family, Senator Rodney Ellis, former Assistant District Attorney […]

death penalty Duane Buck execution Texas

State of Texas Executes Steven Woods

Last night, September 13, 2011, the State of Texas carried out its 10th execution of the year. Steven Woods was put to death for the 2001 murders of Ronald Whitehead and Bethena […]

clemency Duane Buck execution Governor Rick Perry Harris County racial bias Texas Attorney General Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles Denies Clemency to Duane Buck; Steven Woods Scheduled for Execution Tonight

This afternoon, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended against clemency for Duane Buck. The following is a statement from Kate Black, attorney for  Mr. Buck: “The Texas Board of Pardons and […]

clemency campaign death penalty Duane Buck execution Governor Rick Perry Harris County racial bias Texas Texas Attorney General Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles unconstitutional

Prosecutor in Duane Buck Case Urges Stay of Execution

Today, Linda Geffin, a former Harris County Assistant District Attorney who served as second-chair prosecutor in the capital murder trial of Duane Buck in 1997, called on local and state […]

clemency campaign death penalty Duane Buck Harris County Houston Chronicle Texas

Houston Chronicle Calls for Halt to Duane Buck Execution

Today’s Houston Chronicle features an editorial calling for a halt to the execution of Duane Buck, who has a September 15 execution date (“Halt execution where race tainted judgment,” September […]