CONTACTING THE BOARD GENERAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE, CLEMENCY SECTION:Persons needing information or assistance in clemency matters in Texasmay contact: Texas Board of Pardons and ParolesGeneral Counsel's Office8610 Shoal Creek BoulevardAustin, Texas […]
Author: tcadp
death penalty news—-TEXAS
Oct. 22 TEXAS: Texas prison officials blame influx of cellphones on poor staffing,surveillance Poor surveillance, inadequate staffing and underpaid, easily corruptedcorrections guards have allowed Texas prison inmates to easily obtainphones […]
death penalty news—-TEXAS
Oct. 21 TEXAS—-execution Northeast Texas man executed for burglary-slaying Condemned inmate Joseph Ries was executed Tuesday evening for the slayingof a 64-year-old Northeast Texas man during a burglary almost a […]
death penalty news—-TEXAS
Oct. 21 TEXAS—-impending execution Northeast Texas man set to die in burglary-slaying Condemned inmate Joseph Ries looked to the U.S. Supreme Court to keep himfrom the Texas death chamber Tuesday […]
death penalty news—-TEXAS
Oct. 20 TEXAS: Death row phone calls lead to arrests—-Lawmaker says he got calls frominmate; authorities think others in prison also used phone. State Sen. John Whitmire knew the phone […]
death penalty news—-TEXAS
Oct. 20 TEXAS—-impending execution Execution of North Texas Man—-Northeast Texas Man to Die forBurglary-Slaying Joseph Ries says he doesn't remember much about committing a murder nearly10 years ago. The fatal […]
death penalty news—–TEXAS
Oct. 17 TEXAS—-new execution date Execution date set for S.A. gang member A San Antonio gang member sent to death row for gunning down 2 peopleoutside a bar more than […]
death penalty news—-TEXAS
Oct. 16 TEXAS—execution Killer in triple slaying executed Thursday A San Antonio street gangster who gunned down 3 people in the holdup of aKorean restaurant more than 6 years ago […]