Anthony Graves Rev. Carroll Pickett Sam Millsap TCADP Annual Conference

Abolitionists Gather in Austin for Annual Conference

More than 120 anti-death penalty advocates from across Texas will gather this Saturday, February 19, 2011 in Austin for the annual conference of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP). This event, “Seizing the Momentum – Advancing Statewide Vision through Local Action,” will feature workshops and a panel discussion on the impact of the death penalty on Texas counties. TCADP also will honor Anthony Graves, his family, and his legal team with its annual Courage Award, in recognition of their tenacity, faith, and dignity throughout the ordeal of his wrongful conviction and incarceration. Read the entire press release.

clemency death penalty execution Texas Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles Tim Adams

More than 90 Faith Leaders Call for Clemency for Timothy Adams

Today more than 90 Christian faith leaders from communities throughout Texas called on the Board of Pardons and Paroles and Governor Rick Perry to grant clemency to Timothy Adams.  Adams […]

clemency campaign death penalty execution Texas Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles Tim Adams

Clemency Alert for Tim Adams

Tim Adams is scheduled to be executed by the State of Texas on Tuesday, February 22, 2011.  He was convicted of killing his son while planning his own suicide in […]

abolition death penalty legislation

State Representatives File Abolition Bill

State Representatives Jessica Farrar and Marisa Marquez have filed House Bill 819, which calls for the repeal of the death penalty in Texas. We expect that the bill will be referred […]

death penalty Houston Houston Chronicle Religious Leaders Sister Helen Prejean Texas

Houston Religious Leaders Call for End to Death Penalty

Last night’s unprecedented event in Houston with seven high-level religious leaders and Sister Helen Prejean was amazing!  More than 500 people representing diverse faith traditions RSVPd and attended the event. Sister Helen […]

death penalty Stay of execution Texas U.S. Supreme Court

First Texas Execution of 2011 Postponed

On January 11, Cleve Foster, the first person scheduled to be executed in Texas in 2011, received a last-minute stay from the U.S. Supreme Court.  He was convicted of the […]

abolishment death penalty Illinois legislation

Breaking News: Illinois Legislature Abolishes the Death Penalty

Today, the Illinois Senate passed legislation to abolish the death penalty!  The vote was 32 for, 25 against, with 2 voting present. Last week the Illinois House of Representatives passed the […]

death penalty exoneration Houston Chronicle Texas wrongful execution Wrongfully Convicted

Houston Chronicle Calls for Abolition of the Death Penalty

The editors of the Houston Chronicle began the new year with a call to end the death penalty in Texas.  In an editorial that appeared on January 1, 2011, “It’s […]