Anthony Bartee Bexar County death penalty DNA testing execution Texas

Reprieve Granted to Anthony Bartee; Execution Date Withdrawn

Anthony Bartee has received a reprieve so that DNA testing can be conducted on two strands of hair found in the hands of the victim, David Cook.  According to the […]

Anthony Bartee Bexar County clemency campaign death penalty DNA testing execution Texas Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

Action Alert: Request a Reprieve for Anthony Bartee

On February 28, 2012, Anthony Bartee may be put to death by the State of Texas, even though the Bexar County Criminal Investigation Laboratory still has not tested pieces of […]

Bexar County execution Stay of execution Texas U.S. Supreme Court

Texas Carries Out First Execution in 2012; Newbury, Member of “Texas Seven,” Receives Stay

Last night, January 26, the State of Texas carried out its first execution of 2012. Rodrigo Hernandez, 38, originally on parole in Michigan, had his DNA linked to the crime […]

execution moratorium Oregon

Governor of Oregon Stops Executions

Today the Governor of Oregon, John Kitzhaber, announced a ban on executions during his time in office, declaring that “the death penalty is morally wrong and unjustly administered.”  Under his authority, […]


State of Texas Executes Guadalupe Esparza

On Wednesday, November 16, 2011, the State of Texas carried out the last scheduled execution of the year, putting to death Guadalupe Esparza.  Esparza was convicted and sentenced to death […]

DNA testing execution Hank Skinner Texas

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Grants Stay to Hank Skinner

We just received confirmation that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) has issued a stay of execution for Hank Skinner. The order from the CCA states that “the Texas Code […]

death penalty DNA testing execution Governor Rick Perry Hank Skinner Texas. Court of Criminal Appeals

Skinner Appeals to Texas Governor Rick Perry for 30-Day Reprieve

Today, November 7, 2011, attorneys for Texas death row inmate Hank Skinner appealed to Governor Rick Perry to use his authority to grant a one-time, 30-day reprieve so that Skinner “can obtain the DNA testing that he has pursued for more than a decade, and which could resolve once and for all longstanding and troubling questions about the reliability of the verdict in his case.”

death penalty DNA testing execution Hank Skinner Texas

Jury Foreman Calls for DNA Testing for Hank Skinner

Among the many voices calling for DNA testing for Hank Skinner is Danny Stewart, who served as the jury foreman in the original trial.  Read a letter to the editor […]