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August Alert: Executions Stayed, Houston Special Event, Summer Newsletter

Get caught up on the recent stayed executions, the coming special event in Houston, the summer newsletter and other news of interest.

death penalty Judge Fine unconstitutional

Texas CCA Ends Judge Fine Hearing on Death Penalty

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled today that Judge Fine does not have the authority to conduct a court hearing on the constitutionality of the death penalty in the […]

death penalty Judge Fine Texas wrongful execution

Update on Judge Fine in Houston

Here’s an update from the Houston Chronicle regarding Judge Kevin Fine. This spring, in the case of John Edward Green, Judge Fine ruled the administration of the death penalty unconstitutional […]

death penalty innocence Judge Fine unconstitutional

Firestorm Surrounding Judge Fine’s Ruling on the Death Penalty in Texas

On March 4, 2010 State District Judge Kevin Fine of Harris County, ruled that Article 37.071 of the Texas Code of Criminal Appeals, the state’s death penalty statute, was unconstitutional […]

death penalty Judge Fine unconstitutional

Judge Fine Schedules Hearing on Death Penalty

On Friday March, 5 2010 state District Judge Kevin Fine historically ruled in accordance with a defense pretrial motion that the death penalty is an unconstitutional institution. After a firestorm […]

DNA testing Judge Fine racial bias representation unconstitutional

Judge Declaration of Death Penalty as Unconstitutional Raises Additional Concern

Galveston County Daily News published an article on March 9, 2010 criticizing those who have spoke out against state District Judge Fine’s ruling that the death penalty is unconstitutional in […]