DNA testing exoneration forensic science Hank Skinner U.S. Supreme Court

Larry King Live Coverage of Hank Skinner

On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, three hours after Hank Skinner received a stay of execution by the United States Supreme Court, Larry King Live featured the Skinner trial on the […]

death penalty DNA testing Governor Rick Perry Hank Skinner reprieve Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles U.S. Supreme Court

Board of Pardon and Paroles and the Case of Hank Skinner

As the execution date for Hank Skinner quickly approaches, the avenues for which the convicted murder of Twila Busby and her two adult sons, are diminishing. Despite maintaining his innocence […]

Charles Dean Hood criminal justice flaws new sentencing trial Texas. Court of Criminal Appeals U.S. Supreme Court

Charles Hood Receives New Sentencing Trial

Charles Dead Hood was convicted in the 1989 fatal shootings of 26-year-old Tracie Lynn Wallace and 46-year-old Ronald Williamson. For the last two years, upon discovery of substantial evidence and […]

death penalty DNA testing execution Hank Skinner U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit U.S. Supreme Court xecutions

Hank Skinner Refused Hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court

On Monday, March 1, 2010, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear the case against Texas death row inmate Hank Skinner. The case was denied a hearing without comment; […]