executions intellectual disabilities severe mental illness TCADP Annual Conference U.S. Supreme Court

TCADP February 2021 Newsletter: Case updates, legislative developments, and upcoming events

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information on legislative developments around the country, case updates related to intellectual disability and junk science, and guidance on how you can take action to stop the scheduled execution of Edward Busby. You’ll also find announcements related to our next webinar and book group meeting and the TCADP 2021 Annual Conference later this month.

executions innocence Pope Francis racial bias TCADP Annual Conference

TCADP November 2020 Newsletter: Using your voice for justice

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information about four scheduled executions and how you can take action. Also, Pope Francis reiterates the “inadmissibility” of the death penalty, the Governor of California addresses systemic racism, and a new documentary film about the Texas death penalty case of Melissa Lucio is now available to watch online.

intellectual disabilities Lobby Corps prosecutorial misconduct racial bias Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

TCADP October 2020 Newsletter: Virtual events abound this month

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information about a slew of virtual events this month, including two TCADP webinars on “future dangerousness.” We also share findings from an important new report on race and the death penalty and updates on the cases of two men who will be removed from death row based on evidence of intellectual disability.

Dallas executions innocence Lobby Corps Tarrant County

TCADP September 2020 Newsletter: Join us for an evening of forgiveness, hope, and resilience

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information about a special virtual event on September 22 featuring Alabama death row exoneree Anthony Ray Hinton. Updates on scheduled executions and recent case developments also are available. Applications for the TCADP Lobby Corps and nominations for our annual awards are now open.

COVID-19 executions Tarrant County

TCADP August 2020 Newsletter: More federal executions scheduled

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information about federal executions, mid-year analysis of use of the death penalty nationwide, and the spread of COVID-19 in Texas prisons, including the unit that houses the men on death row.

execution Future Dangerousness

State of Texas executes Billy Wardlow

Update as of 7:40 PM, July 8, 2020: The State of Texas executed Billy Wardlow tonight, July 8, 2020, despite an outpouring of support from legislators, juvenile justice and neuroscience […]

executions U.S. Supreme Court

TCADP July 2020 Newsletter: “Future dangerousness” and the Texas death penalty

In this edition  Reflections on race and “future dangerousness” in the Texas death penalty Scheduled executions: State of Texas seeks to execute Billy Joe Wardlow for a crime he committed […]

execution U.S. Supreme Court

Ruben Gutierrez seeks 30-day stay from Governor Greg Abbott; appeal also pending with U.S. Supreme Court

Today, Ruben Gutierrez, who is scheduled to be executed by the State of Texas on Tuesday at 6 p.m. CT, asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stay his execution in order to consider his request to allow a Christian chaplain in the execution chamber, a request that was routine in hundreds of Texas executions until April 2019, when the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) changed the rules. The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops filed an amicus brief in support of Gutierrez.