executions innocence TCADP Annual Conference

TCADP January 2021 Newsletter: Executions set to resume in Texas, federally this month

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information on three federal executions scheduled for next week, as well as an execution set in Texas on January 21. Also, Anthony Graves reflects on 10 years of freedom since his exoneration and Alfred Dewayne Brown finally will be compensated by the State of Texas for his wrongful incarceration and decade on death row.

COVID-19 executions Gallup poll legislature TCADP Annual Conference

TCADP December 2020 Newsletter: Keeping up the fight to stop executions and end the death penalty

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information about federal executions scheduled by the outgoing administration, program announcements for the TCADP 2021 Annual Conference, and a new report on the toll COVID-19 has taken on Texas prisons and jails. Plus… abolition bills have been filed in the Texas Legislature and a new Gallup poll shows declining support for the death penalty.