death penalty Houston Chronicle incompetency Marcus Druery severe mental illness Stay of execution Texas. Court of Criminal Appeals

Houston Chronicle Lauds Druery Stay of Execution

A new editorial published by the Houston Chronicle (“Texas execution stay a wise move,” July 30, 2012) praises last week’s decision by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to stay the […]

execution Ford v. Wainwright incompetency Marcus Druery Panetti severe mental illness Stay of execution Texas. Court of Criminal Appeals

“Will Texas Execute a Psychotic Man?” More on the Marcus Druery Stay of Execution

“Will Texas execute a psychotic man?” That’s the question posed by Andrew Cohen in his latest piece in The Atlantic (July 30, 2012).  Cohen is referring, of course, to Marcus […]

death penalty execution incompetency Marcus Druery severe mental illness Stay of execution Texas Texas. Court of Criminal Appeals

Court of Criminal Appeals Stays Execution of Marcus Druery

Late this afternoon we learned that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has granted a stay of execution to Marcus Druery. The Court stayed the execution pending review of the appeal […]

clemency campaign death penalty execution Ford v. Wainwright Governor Perry incompetency Marcus Druery severe mental illness Stay of execution Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles Texas. Court of Criminal Appeals

Attorneys for Marcus Druery Request Stay of Execution

Yesterday, July 26, 2012, attorneys for Marcus Druery filed a request for a stay of execution with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.  Druery is scheduled to be executed on […]

death penalty execution Ford v. Wainwright incompetency Marcus Druery mental illness Panetti Texas U.S. Supreme Court

Marcus Druery Denied Full Competency Hearing

Earlier today, July 24, 2012, Brazos County District Court Judge J.D. Langley denied a motion to hold a full hearing on Marcus Druery’s execution competency claim. Druery is scheduled to […]


Yokamon Hearn Execution to Proceed Today

Today’s Scheduled Execution Update:  Yokamon Hearn is scheduled for execution this evening at 6:00pm.  The U.S. Supreme Court rejected his appeals today.  Hearn’s appeals argued his mental disabilities disqualified him […]

clemency campaign Dallas death penalty execution intellectual disabilities Texas U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit U.S. Supreme Court

More on the July 18 Scheduled Execution of Yokamon Hearn

A new article by Andrew Cohen that appears in The Atlantic (“A Day in the Life of the Death Penalty: July 18, 2012,” July 12, 2012) draws parallels between two executions […]

clemency campaign execution

Take Action to Stop the Execution of Yokamon Hearn

Yokamon Hearn faces execution in Texas on July 18, 2012.  He was convicted in Dallas County of the 1998 carjacking and murder of 23-year-old stockbroker Frank Meziere.  He was the […]