death penalty Texas

TCADP June 2015 Alert: Nebraska repeals the death penalty; implications for other states

In this edition of our monthly alert, you’ll find coverage of Nebraska’s historic vote to repeal the death penalty, as well as links to recent articles and opinion pieces noting the demise of the death penalty, even in Texas.


Nebraska repeals the death penalty

This afternoon, Nebraska became the 19th U.S. state to abandon the death penalty.  Legislators successful overrode Governor Pete Rickett’s veto of LB 268, a bill that replaces the death penalty […]

exoneration severe mental illness Texas

State of Texas executes Derrick Charles

Last night, the State of Texas carried out its seventh execution of the year, putting Derrick Charles to death for the murders of his 15-year-old girlfriend, Myiesha Bennett, her mother […]

execution severe mental illness

State of Texas scheduled to execute Derrick Charles

Barring intervention by the courts, Derrick Charles is scheduled to be put to death by the State of Texas tomorrow, Tuesday,  May 12, 2015. He was convicted of killing his […]

abolition legislature

Texas House Committee to Hear Death Penalty Repeal Bill

Today, Wednesday, April 29, 2015, the Texas House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill (HB) 1527, which calls for the repeal of the death penalty in Texas. The bill is sponsored by State Representative Jessica Farrar (House District 148 – Houston).

Stay of execution

Robert Pruett Receives Stay of Execution

Robert Pruett has received a stay of execution to allow for more DNA testing of evidence.  He was scheduled to be put to death this evening for the 1999 murder of […]

executions lethal injection Religious Leaders TCADP

TCADP April 2015 Alert: State of Texas prepares to carry out four executions, despite growing opposition to the death penalty

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, you’ll find information about four executions scheduled to take place in Texas in April, as well as recent positions taken by two pharmaceutical associations that discourage their members from participating in the execution process. You’ll also find updates on our legislative advocacy efforts.

jury rejection Life in prison without parole mitigating evidence Tarrant County

Death penalty trial results in life sentence

After nine hours of deliberation, a Tarrant County jury determined that mitigating factors warranted a sentence other than the death penalty for Gabriel Armandariz, who was convicted of killing his sons Luke, 6 […]