execution Humberto Leal Mexican National Texas Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

More on Humberto Leal, Violation of Vienna Convention

The Huffington Post features a blog from Sandra Babcock, the attorney for Texas death row inmate Humberto Leal (“Texas Execution Could Risk Americans’ Safety Abroad,”  June 9, 2011).  Leal faces […]

execution intellectual disabilities Texas

Houston Chronicle Editorial on Milton Mathis

Today’s Houston Chronicle includes an editorial on the case of Milton Mathis, who is scheduled to be executed by the State of Texas on June 21, despite overwhelming evidence of […]

clemency campaign execution Humberto Leal Mexican National Texas Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

Diplomats, Military Leaders, and Law Enforcement Urge Clemency for Humberto Leal

Today, attorneys for Humberto Leal Garcia filed a clemency petition with the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles and Governor Rick Perry, requesting a stay of his July 7 execution […]

death penalty DNA testing eyewitness identification HB 819 legislature Texas

Texas 82nd Regular Legislative Session Ends, with Mixed Results

Thank you for contacting your State Representatives and Senators during the 82nd Texas Regular Legislative Session, which concluded on May 30, 2011.   It is clear from our conversations with […]

death penalty executions Texas U.S. Supreme Court

Four Texas Executions Scheduled for June

Four individuals are scheduled to be executed by the State of Texas this month. Tonight, June 1, Gayland Bradford is scheduled to be executed.  Last October, he received a temporary […]

new death sentence Texas Travis County

New Death Sentence in Travis County

On Friday, May 20, 2011, a Travis County jury sentenced Areli Carbajal Escobar to death for the murder and sexual assault of Bianca Maldonado in 2009.  According to the Austin American-Statesman (“Escobar […]

Anthony Graves compensation exoneration eyewitness identification legislature Texas

Texas Legislative Updates

Yesterday, the Texas Senate gave final approval to legislation that requires police departments to adopt written guidelines for how they conduct eyewitness identification procedures.    Mistaken eyewitness identification is the […]

Dallas execution Texas victims

Crime Victim Calls for Forgiveness

Texas death row inmate Mark Stroman faces a July 20 execution date for the racially-motivated killing of Vasudev Patel, an Indian of the Hindu faith who owned a gas station and […]