death penalty El Paso executions Texas

State of Texas Scheduled to Execute Five People in April

Five executions currently are scheduled to take place in Texas this month; the April 3 execution date of Kimberly McCarthy has now been moved to June 26, 2013 upon an order from State District […]

Craig Watkins Dallas death penalty legislation racial bias Stay of execution Texas

Dallas County District Attorney Agrees to Another Delay in Execution of Kimberly McCarthy

*Update* State District Judge Larry Mitchell has ordered a modification of Kimberly McCarthy’s execution date to June 26, 2013. This comes after Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins agreed with a motion by McCarthy’s attorney to move the date based on pending legislation that may limit the application of the death penalty.

death penalty Duane Buck Harris County Mark White racial bias re-sentencing trial Texas

More than 100 Prominent Leaders Call for New Sentencing Hearing for Duane Buck

Today, over 100 prominent individuals from Texas and throughout the country, including civil rights leaders, elected officials, former prosecutors and judges, past and present ABA presidents, and clergy representing seven […]

death penalty repeal

Maryland Legislature Passes Repeal of the Death Penalty!

Moments ago Maryland’s House of Delegates voted 82-56 to end the death penalty. The bill will go on to Governor Martin O’Malley, who has already promised to sign it and […]

death penalty Duane Buck Harris County racial bias Texas

New Study Finds Significant Racial Bias in Harris County’s Death Penalty System

New research released today in an appeal filed by Texas death row inmate Duane Buck shows that at the time of Mr. Buck’s case, the Harris County District Attorney’s Office was over […]

abolition death penalty DNA Exoneration legislation Maryland Witness to Innocence Wrongfully Convicted

Maryland Senate Passes Abolition Legislation

Earlier today, the Maryland Senate passed SB 276, a bill to replace the death penalty with life without parole, by a vote of 27-20.  The vote occurred after three days of […]

Brazos County capital murder trials death penalty intellectual disabilities jury rejection Texas

Brazos County Jury Rejects Death Penalty for Stanley Robertson

This afternoon, after more than 21 hours of deliberation, a Brazos County jury determined that Stanley Wayne Robertson should spend the rest of his life in prison for the 2010 […]

abolition Brazos County capital punishment death penalty executions legislation Texas

Texas Carries Out Its First Execution of the Year; Maryland Committee Passes Repeal

Last night, February 21, 2013, the State of Texas executed Carl Blue for the 1994 murder of his ex-girlfriend, Carmen Richards-Sanders, in Bryan.  It was the first execution to take place […]