This evening, September 10th, the State of Texas executed Willie Trottie. A Harris County jury sentenced him to death for the 1993 murders of his former girlfriend Barbara Canada, and […]
Author: Kristin
Kristin Houlé Cuellar is the Executive Director of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP).
The State of Texas is scheduled to resume executions this Wednesday, September 10th, after an unusual four-month hiatus. It if proceeds, the execution of Willie Trottie will be the first […]
TCADP’s September 2014 Alert contains information about scheduled executions in Texas, our calendar of events for the month ahead, and great news from North Carolina about the exonerations of two men who spent 30 years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.
Imagine spending 34 years in prison – most of them on death row in Texas – for a crime you didn’t commit. Now imagine being told by doctors that in […]
TCADP is now recruiting its third class of Lobby Corps members! This dedicated group of people works with our staff and board members to advance our legislative agenda at the State […]
New evidence in the case of Cameron Todd Willingham significantly undermines the credibility of Johnny Webb, the jailhouse informant whose testimony was instrumental in Willingham’s conviction. Willingham was executed in 2004 for […]
A new study of 100 people executed in 2012 and 2013 shows that the death penalty system has failed to identify and execute “the worst of the worst.” According to researchers, the overwhelming majority of those executed had deficits of at least one kind, such as intellectual disability, severe mental illness, or severe childhood trauma.
TCADP’s August 2014 Alert provides information on scheduled executions and the ongoing lethal injection debacle. It also takes a closer look at investigations into the cases of Cameron Todd Willingham and Carlos DeLuna, both of which bolster evidence that the State of Texas has executed innocent people.