children Jessica's Law Lt. Governor David Dewhurst Rep Riddle sex offenders

Jessica’s Law – Texas Legislators Pretending they care for Texas Children

Lt. Governor David Dewhurst’s Statement on Passage of Jessica’s Law by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee -Texas Tough Plan Will Protect Children By: Rich Parsons Wednesday, March 14, 2007Lt. Gov. […]

death penalty last statement moral napoleon beasley

What are we doing?

Napoleon Beasley’s Last Statement is posted in the TCADP office. It captures very well, the shortcomings of a criminal justice system that invests so much in the death penalty. Napoleon […]


Anti-Death Penalty Activist Wins Primary

**Note: TCADP does not endorse political parties or candidates, but we do applaud politicians and political hopefuls who take the right stand on the death penalty.** This extremely exciting news […]


Death Penalty for Abortion Providers?

**Blogger’s Note: TCADP has no and will not take an official position on the question of women’s reproductive rights. However, we oppose any and all attempts to extend the populations […]


Re: Justice without Question

The following is a letter to the editor of The Dallas Morning News regarding the July 9 editorial “Justice without Doubt” I posted aerlier today. The author, Charles Terrell, is […]


Justice without Doubt

On July 9 this excellent editorial ran in the Dallas Morning News (posted in its entirety): Justice Without Doubt: Questionable death cases call for review The unrelenting hunt for error […]


Texas Will Miss Carol Byars

Texan and murder victim family member Carol Byars passed this week. She was a leader in the victims’ movement to abolish the death penalty and a powerful voice for the […]


"Now" Takes Another Look at the Death Penalty

I found this at Ohio Death Penalty Information: On Friday, July 14, the PBS show “Now” will air a segment about physicians and nurses who participate in executions. Dr. Jonathan […]