Brazos County death penalty incompetency Marcus Druery severe mental illness Stay of execution

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Orders Competency Hearing for Marcus Druery

On October 30, 2013, in a unanimous decision, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) ruled that death row inmate Marcus Druery is entitled to a hearing to determine his […]

death penalty Gallup poll public opinion

Gallup Poll Measures Lowest Support for Death Penalty Since 1972

Results from the latest Gallup Poll show that national support for the death penalty has dropped to its lowest level in more than 40 years.  According to the poll, “Sixty […]

Cameron Todd Willingham death penalty Death Penalty Information Center executions

TCADP October 2013 Alert: Do you live in one of the top 15 executing counties in the United States?

Today, October 2, 2013, the Death Penalty Information Center released a new report, The 2% Death Penalty: How a Minority of Counties Produce Most Death Cases at Enormous Costs to All. The report shows that, contrary to the assumption that the death penalty is widely used nationwide, only a few jurisdictions employ capital punishment extensively. Only 2% of U.S. counties are responsible for the majority of cases leading to executions since 1976. Nine counties in Texas are among the top 15 counties by execution since 1976.

Cameron Todd Willingham death penalty Innocence Project wrongful execution

Cameron Todd Willingham’s Surviving Relatives, Joined by Exoneree Michael Morton, Request Posthumous Pardon Investigation

REPOST of Press Release from the Innocence Project:  Newly Discovered Evidence Points to Possible False Testimony at Willingham’s Trial and Possible Prosecutorial Misconduct that May Have Contributed to His Wrongful Execution […]

death penalty execution

State of Texas executes Arturo Diaz

Last night, September 26, 2013, the State of Texas executed Arturo Diaz for his involvement in robbing and killing Michael Nichols. The execution of Arturo Diaz, 37, was carried out […]

Annual Conference death penalty

TCADP to hold gatherings in Fort Worth, Dallas, Allen, Denton, Houston and San Antonio!

TCADP is busy this week and next conducting membership gatherings in the Metroplex, Houston and San Antonio. Each gathering  will share information about TCADP’s priority initiatives in the coming year […]

death penalty executed

State of Texas Executes Robert Garza

Last night, September 19, 2013, the State of Texas executed Robert Garza for his involvement in a gang ambush in which four women, Maria Cobarrubias, Danitzene Beltran, Celina Sanchez and […]

death penalty Texas

American Bar Association Releases Texas Capital Punishment Assessment

Today the American Bar Association’s Texas Capital Punishment Assessment Team released the results of its more than two-year study of the fairness and accuracy of the death penalty system in […]