abolition death penalty legislature Rep. Jessica Farrar repeal Texas

Texas House Committee to Hear Death Penalty Repeal Bill

Today, Monday, April 29, 2013, the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill (HB) 1703, which calls for the repeal of the death penalty in Texas. HB 1703 is authored by State Representative Jessica Farrar (District 148 – Houston), State Representatives Alma Allen (District 131 – Houston) and Lon Burnam (District 90 – Fort Worth).

capital punishment death penalty Duane Buck legislature racial bias Racial Justice Act Texas

Texas House Committee Considers Racial Justice Act

On April 16, 2013, the Texas House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee considered House Bill 2458, which seeks to prohibit the imposition of a death sentence or execution under any judgment that […]

amnesty international Annual Conference Anthony Graves Carlos Deluna Duane Buck executions legislature Maryland Sister Helen Prejean victims

April 2013 Alert: 5 Scheduled Executions, Legislative Session Mid-Point, Conference Videos and New Voices on the Death Penalty

TCADP’s April 2013 Alert includes an update on the Texas legislative session, scheduled executions, and the case of Duane Buck; it also features new voices on the death penalty, including a former District Attorney of Montague County and Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty.

Dead Man Walking execution legislature mental illness TCADP Lobby Day

March 2013 Alert: Legislative Update – Lobby Day, Amplify Austin and more!

Learn more about Amplify Austin and how it applies to all TCADP supporters across the state and beyond; the upcoming Lobby Day and ways you can be involved; and news out of Maryland regarding appeal of the death penalty. Lots of important and exciting updates for the month of March are available in this alert.

Anthony Graves Carlos Deluna execution legislature TCADP Annual Conference

February 2013: Two Executions Stayed, Legislative Update, Important Conference Reminders, and More!

83rd Legislative Session: The TCADP Lobby Corps has already been active at the Capitol. On January 22-23, 2013, we visited all 181 legislative offices and shared copies of TCADP’s 2012 year-end report, Texas Death Penalty Developments in 2012: The Year in Review. Lobby Corps members engaged in many positive conversations with legislators and their staffs. Annual Conference: If you register by February 1 (TODAY) you can attend the TCADP Annual Conference for a reduced rate; TCADP members receive an additional discount in gratitude for your support throughout the year!

abolition Connecticut death penalty legislature

Connecticut Legislature Abolishes the Death Penalty!

Late last night, April 11, 2012, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed legislation to abolish the death penalty by a vote of 86 to 62.  This followed last week’s Senate […]

Anthony Graves executions Incendiary legislature Rev. Carroll Pickett TCADP Annual Conference

February Alert: Stay of Execution, Legislative Action Opportunity and More!

Take Action Today!

Action Opportunity: Contact Your State Legislators!
Yesterday, January 31, 2012, staff and members of TCADP hand-delivered a copy of the 2011 annual report, Texas Death Penalty Developments in 2011: The Year in Review, to every member of the Texas Legislature. Through this activity, our wonderful team of volunteers had a chance to speak with legislative staff members about their concerns about the death penalty and share information that demonstrates that Texas is moving away from its use.

civil rights law death penalty DNA testing execution Hank Skinner legislature Texas

Recent Developments in Hank Skinner’s Request for DNA Testing

Hank Skinner faces execution on November 9, 2011 despite the fact that key pieces of DNA evidence that were collected from the crime scene in 1993 have never been tested.  […]