Texas death penalty

TCADP May 2016 Alert: End of death penalty “past due”

In this edition of our monthly e-newsletter, you’ll find updates on several Texas death penalty cases, as well as the results of the Kinder Institute’s latest Houston Area Survey, which finds that 73% of Houstonians support alternatives to the death penalty.

Duane Buck racial bias

Case of Duane Buck puts race and the Texas death penalty in the national spotlight

The case of Duane Buck has cast a national spotlight on race and the Texas death penalty for the past month, for good reason: his death sentence is the unconstitutional product of racial discrimination. He was condemned to death after his own trial attorneys inexplicably introduced testimony from a psychologist who stated that Mr. Buck was more likely to be dangerous in the future because he is Black. His case, Buck v. Stephens, is now on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Stay of execution Texas. Court of Criminal Appeals

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals grants stay of execution to Julius Murphy

Late today the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals granted a stay of execution to Julius Murphy, pending further order from the court.  Murphy was scheduled to be executed on November 3 for […]

Duane Buck racial bias

Fifth Circuit rejects appeal in racial bias death penalty case of Duane Buck

Today, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal of Texas death sentenced prisoner, Duane Buck. Mr. Buck is seeking a new, fair sentencing hearing, free of racial bias. At his capital sentencing, Mr. Buck’s trial attorneys presented an expert who testified that Mr. Buck would be more likely to be dangerous in the future because he is Black.