
Texas Abolition Blog

Execution Today!

Timothy Titsworth is to be executed today at 6:00 pm. Please attend local vigils to express your opinion on this state policy!

TCADP will be hosting a table at the Texas Democratic Convention in Fort Worth this weekend. Stop by and say hi, learn more about us and how you can work with us to abolish the Death Penalty in Texas.

TCADP will also be hosting a table at the conference of the Southwest Conference of the Methodist Church in Corpus Christi this weekend. 2006 marks the 50th anniversary of the United Methodist Church’s position against the death penalty.

Excerpts from the statement recently released by the General Board of Church and Society of the Methodist Church: “At the 1956 General Conference, the Methodist Church stated, “We stand for the application of the redemptive principle to the treatment of offenders against the law, to reform of penal and correctional methods, and to criminal court procedures. We deplore the use of capital punishment.” ….We celebrate this prophetic statement and the fact that the Methodist Church was one of the first denominations in the United States to formally come out against the death penalty…In Matthew 25:38-39, Jesus pointedly refutes revenge as a basis of justice, and commands his followers to compassionately serve even their enemies. In John 8:1-11, Jesus exonerates and redeems the woman caught in adultery who was to be put to death. Jesus refuses to uphold the use of the death penalty and as his followers we are called to do the same.”

Upcoming Events:

July 1 and 2 – Fast and Vigil at the Austin Capitol with musicians and speakers. Email us if you are interested in attending or helping out!

July 6 and 7th – Texas Board of Criminal Justice Meeting, Austin, TX-Omni Hotel

Fall 2006 Sunset Review of TDCJ, Board of Pardons and Parol, Correctional Health Care

October 2006– Amnesty International Faith In Action weekend on the Death Penalty, Annual March Against Executions…