criminal justice flaws DNA testing eyewitness identification innocence projects Texas Tim Cole Wrongfully Convicted

Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions Issues Recommendations

The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions recently concluded its work to study the prevention of wrongful convictions. The panel was established by the state legislature in 2009 and […]

Cameron Todd Willingham forensic science Texas Texas Forensic Science Commission

Former Chair of TX Forensic Science Commission: Willingham Investigation Must Go Farther

Austin attorney Samuel Bassett, who served as chair of the Texas Forensic Science Commission until his abrupt dismissal last fall, has called on his former colleagues to go farther in […]

Cameron Todd Willingham death penalty Texas Texas Forensic Science Commission wrongful execution

TX Forensic Science Commission Admits “Flaws” in Willingham Case

There has been a great deal of media coverage of the Texas Forensic Science Commission’s meeting last Friday, July 23, 2010, during which a subcommittee said that arson investigators in […]

DNA Exoneration DNA testing exoneration eyewitness identification Harris County Texas Wrongfully Convicted

Two DNA Exonerations in Harris County in One Week

In the last six days, two men from Harris County have been released from prison due to DNA evidence of their wrongful conviction.    A state district judge has ordered […]

Capital defense capital murder trials cost Texas

Counties Bear the Expense of Capital Murder Trials

The Hillsboro Reporter, in Hill County, Texas, features an important article about the cost of capital murder trials and the impact these cases might have on the county budget. The […]


Read the TCADP 2010 Summer Newsletter

The TCADP 2010 Summer newsletter: Seizing the Momentum features a new look for TCADP with the adoption of a new logo!

In this issue: Another Case of Wrongful Execution?; Texas Death Penalty Developments; MVFR Interview: Steve Bishop; Regional Trainings; Chapter News/Calendar; Member Spotlight: Jessica Chong

Read it now!

death penalty innocent law enforcement victims Wrongfully Convicted

Retired NYC Police Investigator Voices Concerns about Death Penalty

Today’s Hartford (Connecticut) Courant features an excellent op-ed from Terrence P. Dwyer,  a retired investigator with the New York State Police, Bureau of Criminal Investigation.  In “More than Reasonable Doubt About […]

capital punishment executions Texas

Scheduled Execution: Derrick Jackson

Derrick Jackson is scheduled to be executed Tuesday, July 20 at 6:00pm. The execution will be the 15th Texas execution of 31 nationwide.

More information about Texas Vigils.