criminal justice flaws DNA Exoneration DNA testing Tim Cole Wrongfully Convicted

Op Ed: Addressing the Causes of Wrongful Convictions

On Sunday, September 5, 2010, the Houston Chronicle featured a must-read op ed from State Senator Rodney Ellis and Cory Session, the policy director for the Innocence Project of Texas and […]

criminal justice flaws DNA testing eyewitness identification innocence projects Texas Tim Cole Wrongfully Convicted

Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions Issues Recommendations

The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions recently concluded its work to study the prevention of wrongful convictions. The panel was established by the state legislature in 2009 and […]

Cameron Todd Willingham DNA testing Hank Skinner Tim Cole U.S. Supreme Court wrongful execution Wrongfully Convicted

Justice and Conviction Rates; Additional Coverage of Hank Skinner

The question of convicting the innocent has become all too common a topic in recent months. In October an explosive article by The New Yorker gave life once again to […]

compensation Dallas Morning News IRS Tim Cole Wrongfully Convicted

The IRS and the Timothy Cole Act

Yesterday, the posthumous pardon of Timothy Cole, the namesake for the Texas Timothy Cole Act, was finally honored by Governor Rick Perry. Cole was cleared of his wrongful conviction in […]

DNA testing Governor Rick Perry Judge Charlie Baird Posthumous Pardon TCADP Tim Cole Wrongfully Convicted

Governor Perry Issued First Posthumous Pardon on Eve of Election

On Monday, March 1, 2010, on the eve of the gubernatorial election, Rick Perry issued the state of Texas’ first posthumous pardon to Tim Cole. Cole was convicted in the […]