incompetency Panetti severe mental illness

Fifth Circuit to Hold Oral Argument Re: Scott Panetti’s Incompetency for Execution

This week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit will consider the case of Scott Panetti, who faced execution last year by the State of Texas despite his long, documented history of severe mental illness. Panetti holds a fixed delusional belief that the State seeks to execute him to prevent him from preaching the gospel.

Texas death penalty

TCADP September 2015 Alert: Seeking award nominations!

In this edition of our monthly e-newsletter, you’ll find case updates and a new investigation into the wrongful execution of Ruben Cantu in 1993. This edition also includes a call for nominations for our annual Appreciation, Courage, and Media Awards.

Stay of execution

Texas Court of Criminal Appeals halts execution of Nicaraguan national Bernardo Tercero

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has granted a stay of execution to Bernardo Aban Tercero, a national of Nicaragua who was scheduled to be executed tomorrow, August 26, 2015. The stay was based on a new appeal in which a prosecution witness in his 2000 trial admits she testified falsely.

Duane Buck racial bias

Fifth Circuit rejects appeal in racial bias death penalty case of Duane Buck

Today, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal of Texas death sentenced prisoner, Duane Buck. Mr. Buck is seeking a new, fair sentencing hearing, free of racial bias. At his capital sentencing, Mr. Buck’s trial attorneys presented an expert who testified that Mr. Buck would be more likely to be dangerous in the future because he is Black.

executions Texas

State of Texas executes Daniel Lopez

Last night, the State of Texas put Daniel Lopez to death for killing 20-year veteran Corpus Christi Police Department Lt. Stuart Alexander with his truck during a high-speed chase in 2009.  Lopez […]

executions Texas

U.S. Supreme Court declines to halt execution of Daniel Lopez; Tracy Beatty receives stay

The State of Texas scheduled two executions to take place on consecutive nights this week – August 12th and 13th – but the second execution was called off by the state’s […]

Cathy Henderson death penalty executions Ruben Cantu

TCADP’s 2015 August Alert: Death penalty continues to fall out of favor

In this edition of our monthly e-newsletter, you’ll find information on three people scheduled to be executed this month by the State of Texas, as well as links to recent editorials and opinion pieces that address declining use of the death penalty in Texas. There’s also a special preview of an upcoming episode of CNN’s “Death Row Stories.”

Dallas Morning News death sentences district attorney

Dallas Morning News Editorial: Living without the death penalty in Texas

A new editorial from the Dallas Morning News addresses declining use of the death penalty in Texas and features excerpts from an interview with former District Attorney Tim Cole, who advocates for abolition of the death penalty.