execution lethal injection U.S. Supreme Court Uncategorized

State of Texas Executes Tommy Lynn Sells After High Court Refuses to Intervene

The State of Texas carried out the execution of Tommy Lynn Sells this evening, after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected his last appeal.  Sells  was convicted of killing thirteen-year-old Kaylene Harris […]

death penalty execution lethal injection

TCADP April Alert: Executions Continue in Texas with New Drug Supply, More Secrecy

The State of Texas is scheduled to carry out three executions this month, using a newly obtained supply of pentobarbital. Late last week, a state judge ordered the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) to disclose the source of the new drug supply, rejecting arguments that such information should be kept secret because of “security concerns.” On Friday, however, the Texas Supreme Court blocked the judge’s order and stopped the release of information to attorneys for two inmates scheduled for execution in April. Further litigation and appeals are pending. This Alert also includes information on upcoming regional events. Check it out!

Dallas execution

State of Texas Executes Anthony Doyle; Judge Orders TDCJ to Disclose Source of New Drug Supply

On March 27, 2014, the State of Texas carried out its fourth execution of the year, putting Anthony Doyle to death for the murder of 37-year-old Hyun Mi Cho in January […]

Bexar County execution lethal injection

State of Texas Executes Ray Jasper; TDCJ Obtains New, Secret Supply of Lethal Drug

The State of Texas executed Ray Jasper last night, March 19, 2014, for the 1998 robbery and murder of recording studio owner David Alejandro in San Antonio. Jasper was 18 years […]

execution Harris County incompetency

State of Texas Executes Suzanne Basso

On February 5, 2014, the State of Texas carried out its second execution of the year, putting Suzanne Basso to death for the 1998 murder of Louis “Buddy” Musso. Basso was convicted in 1999 in Harris County. Prosecutors accused her of luring Musso, an intellectually disabled man, to Texas after meeting Basso and her son, J.D. O’Malley in New Jersey. Five co-defendants, including O’Malley, were convicted of playing a role in the murder.

execution TCADP Annual Conference TCADP Newsletter

February 2014 TCADP Alert: Scheduled Execution, 2/22 Conference Workshops, and Upcoming Events

Please don’t miss this TCADP February alert highlighting ways you can be engaged in ending the death penalty in Texas: protest the scheduled execution of Suzanne Basso in February, attend the 2014 Annual Conference “Lighting the Way” happening February 22, and read the Winter edition of the TCADP Quarterly newsletter. We want to see you in Fort Worth in February so don’t miss the TCADP Annual Conference and other special upcoming events.

execution Harris County incompetency

Action Alert: Stop the Execution of Suzanne Basso

The State of Texas is scheduled to put Suzanne Basso to death on February 5, 2014. She was convicted in 1999 in Harris County of the 1998 murder of Louis “Buddy” Musso. You can help stop this execution by contacting the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles and Governor Rick Perry.

execution Mexican National Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

State of Texas Executes Edgar Tamayo, Despite Protests from Mexican Government

Last night, after a three-hour delay resulting from a final appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, the State of Texas executed Edgar Tamayo.  He was convicted  of the 1994 murder […]