intellectual disabilities U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court invalidates Texas’s standards on intellectual disabilities in death penalty cases

Today, March 28, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the state of Texas must use current medical standards for determining whether a person is intellectually disabled and therefore exempt […]

Duane Buck U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court rules that Duane Buck deserves new sentencing hearing

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Texas death row inmate Duane Buck is entitled to a new sentencing hearing. Buck was sentenced to death after a Houston jury heard false and unconstitutional testimony from a defense “expert” that he was more likely to be a future danger because he is black.

Gregg vs. Georgia Harris County prosecutorial misconduct

New Report Names Former Texas Prosecutor Among Top Five Deadliest Prosecutors in America

A new report from Harvard Law School’s Fair Punishment Project identifies America’s five deadliest head prosecutors out of the thousands that have held that office in the last 40 years. It specifically names Johnny Holmes, who served as the District Attorney of Harris County, Texas from 1979 to 2000; during his tenure, his office secured at least 200 death sentences. Since 2008, by contrast, Harris County juries have sent an average of one person to death row each year.

Texas death penalty

TCADP May 2016 Alert: End of death penalty “past due”

In this edition of our monthly e-newsletter, you’ll find updates on several Texas death penalty cases, as well as the results of the Kinder Institute’s latest Houston Area Survey, which finds that 73% of Houstonians support alternatives to the death penalty.

execution Sister Helen Prejean Texas death penalty

TCADP March 2016 Alert: Get ready to Amplify Austin!

In this edition of our monthly alert, you’ll find a link to photos from the TCADP 2016 Annual Conference, information about a new initiative to engage Public Safety Officers on the Death Penalty, and information about three upcoming events with Sister Helen and a national conference on the death penalty.

Anthony Graves TCADP Annual Conference

TCADP 2016 Annual Conference this weekend in Houston

Advocates and supporters from across Texas will gather on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at Unity of Houston for the 18th Annual Conference of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP). This event, At the Epicenter of the Death Penalty, will feature workshops, a keynote address, and a panel discussion about the shifting death penalty landscape in Texas and Harris County.

Harris County TCADP Annual Conference

TCADP 2016 Annual Conference to Address Changing Death Penalty Landscape

Advocates and supporters from across Texas will gather on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at Unity of Houston for the 18th Annual Conference of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP). This event, At the Epicenter of the Death Penalty, will feature workshops, a keynote address, and a panel discussion about the shifting death penalty landscape in Texas and Harris County.

TCADP Annual Conference

TCADP February 2016 Alert: Join us this month in Houston!

In this edition of our monthly e-newsletter, you’ll find updates on the TCADP 2016 Annual Conference, our new and improved fact sheet on the cost of the death penalty, and an invitation to a special event with Anthony Graves.